Genre of fiction involving espionage as an important context or plot device.
Examples for "espionage novel"
Examples for "espionage novel"
1Javier Marías's latest book Berta Isla is a shadow version of the espionage novel.
1In a spy novel, everything that the initiated character notices might mean something.
2That mission was already being written up like a spy novel.
3Which, in spy novel terms, would be the ultimate coup for a Special Service.
4It reads like a spy novel, but it's all true.
5What I've found is rather ordinary, far simpler than the plot of a spy novel.
6It was a spy novel. But Weinstein demurred.
7In every spy novel, spymasters invariably try to use money as the hook in the fish's gullet.
8They recognise it. Hearing it for the first time put me in mind of a spy novel.
9It might work in a spy novel, but I wasn't a CIA agent; I was a goddam English teacher.
10This case is seriously complex, it involves many moving parts and players, and reads like something out of a spy novel.
11This writer has not tired of boring you about his enthusiasm for John Le Carré's great spy novel and … It's here everybody.
12And old man Churchill, too, if you believe the Western spy novels.
13I'm speaking here of David Ignatius, Post columnist and author of spy novels.
14To what extent do your spy novels reflect real events?
15Anthropologists studying migration have taken over the term "sleeper" from popular spy novels.
16He had become a fantasist who funneled his talent into writing halfway decent spy novels.
Translations for spy novel